torstaina, heinäkuuta 27, 2006

This photo is especially for you all, so if you ever feel like coming here to see beautiful Finland, just look at what the Santa is saying..

I wanted to show you the Arctic circle, I know, that at least Carmina would like was so late, that the santa claus office already closed for the day. I would have a lot photos of the Arctic Circle visit but I should get to the photos that have been requested, but Laura I don't wanna put our(your) paparazzi photos here, maybe you just visit me with your memory thingie then you get spend quality time with them also.

lauantaina, heinäkuuta 22, 2006

This photo was missing..even though I remember putting it..
Pontus reading the article at home
This is YUP- they played my favourite song "domus perkele" and made me the happiest girl alive!

WHy can't these photos be turned the right way?! Well I invite you all to my house to look at these photos the right way up, especially Laura:there are more of these Lapko photos =) =)
Pontus was so scared to go talk to his favourite bands, but he did it, we are all proud of him!

I don't like this photo of me, but behind me is the tour bus of Lapko, how cool is that!!

First here are club photos, both bands Kotoisat sävyt and Moses Hazy were day the event-Aawastock took place in the beatiful place, on the top of a hill, the view was wonderful. Now Pontus took some of his friends with us. Laura his girlfriend is sitting next to him. It was fun with them, in the car we were playing word games(how exciting) well with 3 boys it turn out to be competition of who gets the most points from dirty words. My words were not so bad, but I got one point from "salmon", I have no idea why.

Next day me and Pontus went a to the small music festival near to border of Sweden, on Friday there was a small club event and on Saturday the actual event. We were working there, Pontus wrote an article and I took the photos for it. Here we are only driving there and I can tell you one thing, Pontus drove all the time over the speed limit, I didn't, I had little bit forgotten how to drive and Pontus said that now he has new found respect of his driving skills...more photos coming up soon, today we took some in the Arctic Circle so it's only matter of days when they will be here.

These are from last week when I went cloudberry picking. My father lives for that stuff, so I decided to make him happy and go with him. I just thought it was a nice day to go to berry picking and a great opportunity to wear my hat. Cloudberries grow in the swamp so I had to be careful where to step, I only stepped into the water once and I managed to get out. I remember when we were wee, Pontus and me were got stuck into the swamp and cried a lot and also there was a bear and I promised myself that I will never go cloudberry picking again, so I'm actually a bit suprised that I went. Most of berries were not even ready yet and we only got a little bit, but my father has gone every day so I'm sure he will have enough for the winter.

torstaina, heinäkuuta 20, 2006

Just the last pictures before going home, we look so tired..The train was so full we only got the place that was reserved for people with pets, so we were worried they will ask "where is our pet?" and we thought of many explanations and then they didn't even of them was that Laura was the pet as you can see in the photo.

There was an anti-war protest at the same day, they we're yelling "Israel is a murderer and a killer of children"(in finnish of course) we couldn't participate because we had to keep moving towards the train station..but really the war is horrible. I can't believe it's still going on. I'm depressed.

This one of our many breaks, we took a break in every 10min and then we finally reached SpiceIce-Our Favourite Ice Cream place..when we got list of forbidden products, we were hoping that SpiceIce wouldn't be there and it wasn't..awesomeness =) that "twix" is forbidden too, but Laura got it free.. (don't worry..we have noticed it ourselves, that we eat a lot of sugar, and at some point we will start eating less sugar)

The Senate square is one of the most famous places in Helsinki, so we went to the stairs and sat there and watched elderly tourists groups coming and taking photos of it. Then it was soon 10am and the record shops opened and we went to find them..and also went to a pizza buffet..we wanted to go to PizzaHut but we have a list of forbidden products, that we can't buy, I can't believe PizzaHut is on it..well I can, but it's a pity.

After Ilosaarirock, we didn't want to spend 15 hours in the train again, so we decided to go to Helsinki, since it only took 6 hours to go there..when we arrived to Helsinki it was 6am, too early..we were the most tired people there. The city was compeletely empty in the morning..the only place that was open was the market place so we went there and of course bought something. The caffy hats in the picture, it is so nice I'm wearing all the time at home, I will wear it outside when it gets's +7 now so I could go outside now and wear it...hmm..