lauantaina, heinäkuuta 22, 2006

This photo was missing..even though I remember putting it..
Pontus reading the article at home
This is YUP- they played my favourite song "domus perkele" and made me the happiest girl alive!

WHy can't these photos be turned the right way?! Well I invite you all to my house to look at these photos the right way up, especially Laura:there are more of these Lapko photos =) =)
Pontus was so scared to go talk to his favourite bands, but he did it, we are all proud of him!

I don't like this photo of me, but behind me is the tour bus of Lapko, how cool is that!!

First here are club photos, both bands Kotoisat sävyt and Moses Hazy were day the event-Aawastock took place in the beatiful place, on the top of a hill, the view was wonderful. Now Pontus took some of his friends with us. Laura his girlfriend is sitting next to him. It was fun with them, in the car we were playing word games(how exciting) well with 3 boys it turn out to be competition of who gets the most points from dirty words. My words were not so bad, but I got one point from "salmon", I have no idea why.

Next day me and Pontus went a to the small music festival near to border of Sweden, on Friday there was a small club event and on Saturday the actual event. We were working there, Pontus wrote an article and I took the photos for it. Here we are only driving there and I can tell you one thing, Pontus drove all the time over the speed limit, I didn't, I had little bit forgotten how to drive and Pontus said that now he has new found respect of his driving skills...more photos coming up soon, today we took some in the Arctic Circle so it's only matter of days when they will be here.

These are from last week when I went cloudberry picking. My father lives for that stuff, so I decided to make him happy and go with him. I just thought it was a nice day to go to berry picking and a great opportunity to wear my hat. Cloudberries grow in the swamp so I had to be careful where to step, I only stepped into the water once and I managed to get out. I remember when we were wee, Pontus and me were got stuck into the swamp and cried a lot and also there was a bear and I promised myself that I will never go cloudberry picking again, so I'm actually a bit suprised that I went. Most of berries were not even ready yet and we only got a little bit, but my father has gone every day so I'm sure he will have enough for the winter.

8 kommenttia:

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Congratulations, my dear Henkka!

I must tell you something which might hurt you and hurted me too. Yesterday night, while I was cooking a pizza with Alba, her grandfather was watching TV and suddenly... Who do you think appeared on the screen?


He was in the FIB (International Festival of Benicassim), 4 hours from home... I can't believe it! And we didn't know he was coming. Well, I couldn't come anyway, so I'm lucky that at least I could see him on TV. But I was so sad I didn't have your clone with me...
¡Estamos jodidas!

Wow! And Alba likes him too!


Lukas kirjoitti...

Hi Henriikka!
Wow, now we can leave comments! Well, you are very sexy with that blue cap, I like it very much. Is it so cold in Finland you need to wear it!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hahaa...tulin tänne, koska myspace on ihan down ja en tiedä missä muualla voin höpistä, se on kauhea ongelminho. Kohta saattaa olla meidän hurja pyöräilyhetki Napapiirille, mutta en tiedä onko, joten nyt on varmaan vielä aikaa hommailla jotain epämääräistä täällä kotona. Nukahdin äskön aurinkotuoliin kun olin lukemassa minun ilmaista roskapokkaria, joka tuli yhden ostamani lehden mukana. Sitten eilen taistelin kovasti, mutta lopulta nukahdin puoli tuntia ennen Punk:Attituden loppua ja laitoin vaan telkkarin kiinni, siis toivottavasti MC5 ei enää ollut siinä lopussa, mutta en usko. Siinä oli niin monta kiinnostavaa bändiä, että meinasin hakea paperin ja kynän ja kirjoittaa nimet muistiin, mutta en jaksanut nousta sohvalta ja ne lukee varmaan netissä.
Luin Aawastock-jutun ja täytyy sanoa, että pääkuva-valinta oli onnistunut ;P Sitten luin netissä sivustoa, se oli tosi hyödyllinen, mutta ei oikeastaan yhtään hyödyllinen, koska se ei saa minua muuttamaan mitään (aihe oli vaan kiinnostava). Okei kommentit ei liity mitenkään sinun blogiin, mutta en jaksa mennä kaikkia takaperin ja kommentoida, sitäpaitsi olen jo kommentoinut joskus jotain. Olen tosi ylpeä minun koirakuvasta, ehkä ois pitäny pyrkiä kesäteatteriin eläinrooliin. Noh, en tiedä kuka lukee tätä, joten lähden nyt syömään leipää ja toivottavasti en super-paljastanut mitään liian omituista, hah haa!
Tietoja nukkumisesta kertoi

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Ei Henriikka!

Anteeksi, mutta mina en puhu suomea. (??) I can't understand Laura's comment, except for "en tiedä", "koska" and "kaikkia"... my vocabulary is still very limited.:(

I didn't know what cloudberries were and I liked the word, so I looked for it and Wikipedia says that you eat them with "Leipäjuusto" and lots of sugar. Is that right? Don't add too much sugar, Henkka! You know?, we call them "mora ártica" (Arctic berrie). Well, those who know them.

I found out that you have it in the 2 euro coin. Caffi! I always wanted a nice plant in our coins, but it looks like we don't have a "national plant". :( That's unfair. Probably it's because we have that king... Can you eat kings? Then, plants are more important, aren't they?


Henriikka kirjoitti...

Hey everybody!! Wow so many comments, this makes me first Elisa, I'm happy Alba and you saw Morrissey and that she liked him. Of course I would have like to be there with you, but I was lucky enough to see him in Scotland. I've been playing guitar with those picks I got from the Morrissey concert, so I'm thinking about him a lot! =)

Lukas, I'm happy you like my hat too. Well it's not so cold (it's July - the hottest month of the year) but I love my hat so much, so I'm willing to make sacrifices and wear it even if it's not hot. I can tell you that I've been getting some weird stares from people, but they could also be just admiring my hat. I could talk about my hat all day...but I won't.

Ok, so people who don't speak Finnish Laura is saying nothing important(no offense, it was interesting to me but I meant that I'm not going to translate it..and Laura you can write in English too, if you want)..she was just here because myspace was not working(it's not working today either, don't they know we have to write comments every day)..but what I wanted to say to you is that I loved that Punk:attitude programme too and thought Henry Rollins was hilarious =) No, I didn't think that you revealed anything weird and no one else understood you if you did.

Elisa again =) your Finnish sentence was grammatically correct(I'm very proud of you), but you do speak Finnish, so it's not true. It's a big deal here, cloudberries are very essential thing to know about Lapland, because that is all anyone talks about and some people go crazy (like my father) because of them. All the time while I've been writing this he's been asking "Henkka, are you ready to go cloudberry picking?" and I've been saying "No", because I can't go today, too tired..(because of running and cycling yesterday..I could never be a triathlonist) So, yes, maybe some people eat cloud berries with leipäjuusto and sugar(I can't believe you know "leipäjuusto"), but not me because I don't like them I prefer arándanos..and also I prefer eating "plantas" to "reyes"..well I've never tried cannibalism, hmm, I tried to make a Spanish sentence but it was too difficult for me.

Kisses&Hugs("puss o kram"-little bit swedish there in Finnish we never send those..try to guess why)

moi.elise kirjoitti...

hahahaha! I'm happy to know that you don't eat kings. Imagine how weird it would be, eating something with blue blood... I'd prefer the blueberries, I guess. "Prefiero comer plantas que reyes"

Don't worry, you can both write in Finnish. Just bear in mind that I will read it and try to understand some words. :p

I'm sorry to deceive you, Henriikka, but I didn't work out that sentence myself. My friend from Barcelona, the one who's learning Finnish, told me "en puhu suomea" and I found the rest in Internet... But it's a good sentence to know if I manage to go and visit you.

Why don't you kiss and hug people? You're weird. You can also send them in Spanish.

Besos y abrazos,

Lukas kirjoitti...

I can't believe you could talk about your hat day and night, but it's good, because it's really the nicest hat I have ever see a woman wear. That's why I am absolutly sure, that people are just staring at you because they are jealous of it! I am not wearing my hat very often at the moment, but maybe when I get home. Kuesschen!

moi.elise kirjoitti...

I'm also sure that they were thinking "oh, what a beautiful girl wearing the nicest hat in the world". But probably in Finnish...

"Salmon" doesn't really look like something obscene, but probably they could find a secret relation between fish and something else. Crazy guys. That sounds really fun, though.

Oh, "domus perkele" must absolutely be the best song in the world!

Well, enjoy your next festival. I'll do the same!
