maanantaina, elokuuta 28, 2006

In the Monty Python personality test, I'm Prince Herbert, I don't think the test could have been any more accurate.

Again in train, someone will think the train company has paid me to make a blog, because this is so good promotion for trains. Well, I liked my journey very much, because I was just watching Erasmus photos and also a film - Monty Python's Holy Grail.

I have a naked sword man in my hand so must have really big hand..hmm

I'm a really selective person, only the stupid photos are chosen to the blog.

So I had some leftover photos from last week..

There is a theme in this photo..and it is not sitting.

NEXT SUNDAY!!!!! =) =)

perjantaina, elokuuta 25, 2006

After dancing I had to do this every second

That's not from the street party obviously..It's from the nature walk. That brown water is que asco! I have no other word for it.

Next morning we draged ourselves out of bed and went to a demostration - against cars in the centre. It was the same weekend as the world championship rally race, so you can imagine the amount of angry motorists.

After the concert..I'm so red, well it only proves the fact that I danced a lot..Oh that was so much fun, why can't there be a ska concert every day.

The Ska band- Tirehtöö's crap photo, but not a crap band. I ended up bying their cd.

Ready to ska..we are first in the bar(as always) so obviously we talked to promoter and I also went to talk to the dj Junkie man twice, because he was so good, playing Operation Ivy and everything, most of the times I'm the bars I want to hang the dj, but not this time.

Lighting up some scents

Friday night and we were going out, so we started drinking before going the bar. Opening the wine bottle was more complicated than I expected. Laura told she never manages to open it, so she makes a whole in it..this time she couldn't believe that there was no little pieces of the cork in the drink.

Bongo drumming in the city centre was so nice, that I had to put them in the blog.

Lazy girls..we never felt like washing the dishes.

I also felt creative. This one is for Pontus who likes to say "I'm an ass".

torstaina, elokuuta 24, 2006

Spin you little..

"The many faces of power"

"Stars, stars"

We went to an art exhibition and I, of course, took a photo of every painting there, because I liked them all. I also thought they would interesting to all the art history students who read my blog.

Everything really is on TV. We watched all of Laura's films (it's a huge collection: Love actually, 10 things I hate about you and our own video, where we are learning to play our instruments.)

Laura now I will quote you
warmly and accurately "all meals should end with ice cream".

lauantaina, elokuuta 12, 2006

I'm off to bed to sleepy sleep, so this is not the end my friend..I'm only in the day 2, so you can expect many more photos.

I will just copy Lukas and present to you our fine meal..Carrot Crepes & Sliced Potatoes!! I miss cooking with Laura now and I also miss the insanely sharp knife. I haven't cut myself at all at home, how boring is that.

That's Laura's flat. Laura is the master decorator. The flat has a retro look, walls are mostly covered with posters and also flyers from Aberdeen. But what I especially liked was the pink details of the bathroom.

First stop was Tampere, where a friendly person offered to take an photo of us. In the 3 hours that we spent in Tampere we had time to go to all the record shops and eat doughnuts =P

I was headed to the South of Finland to visit Laura in Jyväskylä. The south of Finland is known for the sandy deserts, ill-tempered camels and small palm trees.

With one hour of sleep I was ready for the 6am train, my journey took only 10 hours, nae bad. (most of the time I listened to the radio and found out that an asteroid is going to hit the earth in 2036, but one asteroid will approach the Earth already in 2029..PAURA! -quickly run the hills -but the enemy is coming from the hills -run away from the hills, run away..hmm possibly Andrea and Pontus are the only ones who understand that).

..With the music execution and
the talk of revolution
it bleeds in me and it goes...
Give 'em the boot the roots the radicals
Give 'em the boot you know I'm a radical
Give 'em the boot the roots the reggae on my stereo..