perjantaina, elokuuta 25, 2006

After dancing I had to do this every second

That's not from the street party obviously..It's from the nature walk. That brown water is que asco! I have no other word for it.

Next morning we draged ourselves out of bed and went to a demostration - against cars in the centre. It was the same weekend as the world championship rally race, so you can imagine the amount of angry motorists.

After the concert..I'm so red, well it only proves the fact that I danced a lot..Oh that was so much fun, why can't there be a ska concert every day.

The Ska band- Tirehtöö's crap photo, but not a crap band. I ended up bying their cd.

Ready to ska..we are first in the bar(as always) so obviously we talked to promoter and I also went to talk to the dj Junkie man twice, because he was so good, playing Operation Ivy and everything, most of the times I'm the bars I want to hang the dj, but not this time.

Lighting up some scents

Friday night and we were going out, so we started drinking before going the bar. Opening the wine bottle was more complicated than I expected. Laura told she never manages to open it, so she makes a whole in it..this time she couldn't believe that there was no little pieces of the cork in the drink.

Bongo drumming in the city centre was so nice, that I had to put them in the blog.

Lazy girls..we never felt like washing the dishes.

I also felt creative. This one is for Pontus who likes to say "I'm an ass".

5 kommenttia:

Lukas kirjoitti...

I must say that I am really proud of you - going to a demonstration against cars! Now I am sure you are not only a very nice person to eat/laugh/watch weird films/discuss music and walk one hour to the cinema with, you are also perfect as far as politics are concerned! Why are there no such people like you here! I want my personal Henriikka around the corner!!! Anyway, maybe you can come to a demonstration in Switzerland once, of course with Laura! Takle care! Luki Spuki

moi.elise kirjoitti...

I totally agree with Lukas. We only need to find the Henriikka shop. Maybe there's one in Switzerland too... I would also buy a Lukas if I found a Lukas shop! There might be an Erasmus shop where you can buy the best from each country... I would take a selection home, but how can I fit 10 people or so at home? Ok, I'll start planning that, bye!

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Where are you, Henkka? I didn't find you in messenger today, although I spent the whole day there... Not speaking, though (nobody was on-line...) And I was not busy because of the telly either. I was "stydying"... (I found other ways to waste my time) Kaipaan sinua! Besos,

Henriikka kirjoitti...

Never let me take a break from internet again, my clever plan didn't work and I'm still addicted to the internet. It's 5.30am and I should be sleeping..but what I wanted to say, you're comments are too nice(you're too sweet for rock and roll. -Where do you get off... where do you get "sweet?" I'm not sweet. I'm dark and mysterious and pissed-off and I could be very dangerous to all of you...I'm not sweet, and you should know that about me! I am The Enemy...ok, so I got sidetracked)
..This is horrible, because after I read what you wrote I started missing you terribly. The only solution is the you start writing nasty comments to me, so I will start missing you less. Ok, I don't like that plan, abort the mission!! Oh, really you made me feel sad, but still I'll send you kisses and hugs!

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Oh, I'm sorry darling. I don't want to make you sad. We'll see each other soon! So let's be happy. Did you watch Almost Famous again? Bad idea... I thought you where William for a while. Paura! People could think you're crazy!
Nasty things? Well, you're, you're, you're... I can't say nasty things to you! Perkelee! I can write haju on perseesta... But that's just silly. And disgusting. Que asco!
I'll better be studying. Bye!