lauantaina, elokuuta 12, 2006

Ok, so I had a pleasant week in Salla and now I have 2 days time to translate something and I will go to visit Laura in the South of Finland..and the best thing is that there's ska concert, Laura if you are reading this, I hope you have been practising your dance moves(I didn't mean it as an offense, but this time you MUST dance the man said in one of the concerts "dancing is not only allowed, but it's recommended!!")

But I finally found my favourite =)

There were so many albums it was hard to decide what to listen..

There's nothing like listening to vinyl records, it's the best!! (Laura what is wrong in this picture?! it is impossible for anyone else to know)

I just fell in love with her vehicle, so I just had to test it myself..=D

My grand mother has a magical kitchen everything is mother says she just puts extra butter and sugar, but I think she gets help from the mystical forces when she cooks.

Of course I read there, because I had a lot of time and no internet.

I picked A LOT of berries there..later when I picked strawberries a huge spider got into the bowl and it was the biggest Paura of this summer for me..I put the bowl on the ground and waited until the spider understood to leave the bowl and then I just ran away from the strawberry field.

We went shopping almost everyday and my granny had that incredible machine, so I had to run after her..I thought she could star in the next Fast and Furious film: the granny draft, it was so fast. I can't wait to be old and get an apparatus like that for me..

There's me at my granny's house, she lives in Salla, it's a little village, that is close to the Eastern border. She just called me and said that I can come next week again, I said maybe and she said see you then..

We had a lot of films to watch: Garage days, and that wasn't so good, about an aussie rock band, who discovered that they are crap. Rock'n'roll high school was much better, mainly because Ramones were in it!! Then we watched Elizabethdown by Cameron Crowe, I thought it was average, I thought the first hour was good, but then I fell asleep in the end. We also watched a Clash documentary and Goodbye Lenin, that I recommend to everyone, I thought it was interesting and funny.

On the day it was raining we thought it would be a great idea to be indoors and watch films, but then realised it was a bad day for going to rent films, bacause we got completely wet.

Yesterday I came home my lovely granny's house. But first a nice photo of Pontte rocking out and my mother, she's really hip as you can see.

6 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I shall post a comment.

First of all: who are Ramonies? Hahhaa!

I wouldn't want to bump into you on a road, when you are on that apparatus (but must it be unearthed?)! That picture is so scary - finally someone else looks insane in this blog and not just me! (add "hahhaa!" pt.2)

I hope you asked for your grandma's recipes because I really want pullaa now. So here's the deal: while I'm at work, you cook for me ok? So that dinner's ready when I get back. We will be like a 50's family!

I LOVE the pics with the vinyls (of course you should choose Bolan as your favourite) and that one of you dancing (or so I suppose) in the woods (or in the backyard?) is so hippie-ish. Reminds me of the scene in Almost Famous where Penny is dancing after a Stillwater-show.

Wow, you put A LOT of pressure on me to know what is wrong with that one of the vinyl-pictures!! My first thought was Paul Simon's moustache. Is that correct? (I almost wrote Paul Simonon..mwahaha)
Okay my best quess is that there is a Badding-album inside, even if the cover is not his. So: wrong album in the wrong case, or something. Man, all this thinking of Paul Simonon's mustache is making me very hungry! No, it just makes the lines "I am just a poor boy and my story's seldom told..." play in my head.

Ska-moves? But Henkka you should have seen me yesterday: I put on The Clash "From Here To Eternity" and danced away until I almost collapsed, and then I went to the front of my window to see if anyone was out there, up for dancing with moi, but there was no-one there (<-- was a song by a Finnish metal band, which one? Hint: we named a guy after them. When do we not!)

I have to go now (to myspace;)
I can't stand here all day, talking to my many fans. So, it's been nice to meet you, keep sending me your stuff...

Henriikka kirjoitti...

You've out-done yourself..again! I love your comments!!
Sadly no, I have no pulla recipes and anyway I will be sleeping all day, so I will be energetic to cook or whatever when you go to sleep so it will be a strange visit..I should be there already, but no. (Less comments, more packing maybe?!)
Well, you knew it, it was the moustache..heh, no, but the problem was that, you were able to read that it was Badding album, what I wanted to have was the Love records logo in the photo and Simon and Garfunkel never recorded on Love records, but anyway it was the wrong album.
I KNOW I KNOW, it's Sentenced!! Our questions are too easy, eh?
I'm happy to hear you've got your moves ready for friday..So I really must go and pack and buy train tickets and do why am I still here?

moi.elise kirjoitti...

I want pullaa too. Henriikka, you told me your granny used to cook only potatoes and potatoes, but this doesn't look like potatoes to me.

I also like that picture of Henkka in the flower field. She looks like a fairy, doesn't she?

Henriikka, I lOVE YOU!! Thanks so much! I like Poro, and the stamp with that pretty "malus domestica" flower. And your text was so sweet. I would also buy a Henriikka if I found any Henriikka's shop in Spain.
"Put a Henkka in your life!"
Estoy contenta porque la postal está llena de corazones. :)

Henriikka kirjoitti...

Oh I had forgotten about the poro =D Estoy contenta that you got it!!
Well, She cooks potatoes for dinner and pullaa for all the other meals. I think the fairy picture is my favourite too.

moi.elise kirjoitti...

I forgot to add that olen iloinen koska minulla on erittäin kesäiseltä ystävä!

Henriikka kirjoitti...

=) but I wanted to kesäinen is the normal from, and kesäiseltä is only used when you wan to say from someone. So, minulla on kesäinen ystävä!