keskiviikkona, elokuuta 02, 2006

So we got our las pulseras para dos dias to remember that we were there. I'm happy and sad at the same time that it was the last festival this summer, I really enjoyed all of them but I'm too exhausted to go to festivals anymore.

That's the Paradise Island. A beautiful place.

That must be my all time favourite photo, I was eating the berries when an angry witch came(looking a bit like Laura) and started casting a spell..Paura!!

We found some delicious berries, and we weren't sure if it was allowed to eat them, but we decided to go for it..

Next day we were still in Oulu and we took a walk to Hupisaaret (the Fun Islands)'s a very nice park.

The last band we saw the Cardigans, they sounded perfect and they played my favourite song "For What's it Worth" and after that we left, "Lovefool" was playing when we walked out of the gates. It was a great festival again. We had the best time when Radiopuhelimet played.

That's Machine men, I liked them when I was younger but this time I just thought I can't listen to anymore heavy metal bands..Qstock was full of heavy metal groups.

Oh yeah, we found a sofa..If I were to organise I music festival there would be good bands obviously but more importantly lots of sofas

Day 2, we are waiting in line to see a Finnish hc legend Terveet Kädet(Healthy Hands).

We had to very quiet when we arrived, so that we wouldn't wake up Laura's grandmother.

That's a cool soul band..Nicole Willis(I forgot her name and called her call her Nina Simone all the time) and the Soul Investigators.

That man on the big screen taught me to play the drums in a band camp, and what a magnificent job he did, because I might be the worst drummer in the entire world..still I don't think it is his fault in any way.

We were completely tired again..and I couldn't even sit for eating, I was lying on the chairs

Those triple soft ice creams were just perfect.

Oh, that picture is the so great..Laura we should make a blog just for LAPKO photos, eh?!

That's the Qstock area..looks like it wasn't successful event, but the photo was actually taken before people could enter..(I got in from the vip/press entrence, so I was there all by myself) LAPKO opened the festival and we were more than happy about it because we absolutely adore them and their music..heh.. more photos tomorrow!!

Next day we weren't late enough so we dyed our hair pink and after that operation we were ready for the festival- Qstock here we come!!

The party animals

We were very happy when we found the place to sit downstairs, because the bands upstairs were so bad and we were more impressed with the sofa than them. Also the dj was better downstairs, he playing the clash and the madness =)

This last thrusday, we went to Oulu again and in the train Laura gave me a summer present, that was very nice of her, thank you again, I really like it ("Psycho,Killer.."). So that evening we went to the kick off club of the festival in a bar and we were a bit tired but went anyway.

6 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

...Liar, thief (or possibly something else)! Criminal with protection of the laaaaw! diu! didi-didi-didi-didi..okay now I just got carried away.

The text next to photos crack me up. Party animals is maybe my favourite. It's so great too see all these texts come to life, after hearing you plan them out loud when taking the photograph...hah haa.

By the way if anyone reading this is a dentistry-student, the pic of me with the hairspraycolourbottle is only for you, so you can check the condition of my teeth. For some reason, I always confuse Henkka's camera for a dentist and have to make like this :O

So but Henkka, see you at the "film festival" in an hour! I still have my squashed-by-Qstock-crowd dried apricots. Shall I bring them over?

Henriikka kirjoitti...

Sure, bring all you want, but just get here..and again your comments are too funny for me!! People(my parents)think I've gone insane just because I'm alone here and can't stop laughing. I just ate meat and I feel horrible, I wish my father wouldn't barbeque every day..I don't mind other people eating that stuff, but he feels bad everytime if he cooks for the whole family and I won't eat. Maybe I should write the article about this problem instead of them Israel-Lebanon crisis..or about the lady in library today, she got angry at me because I had over 100 loans and she told me "I'm not going to renew your loans" and I didn't even ask her to, because I know how to do it myself. Pff, annoying woman!

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Hahaha! Both your comments are really fun. Henriikka, I'm very proud of you because of what you said about the meat. What's wrong with it? Are you turning into a vegetarian? Or maybe it's just that eating the same everyday, especially barbecue, is not your dream... Anyway, if I can help you telling your father perkeleen kananliha!(?) don't hesitate to ask me. (I can imagine the haju)
That woman in the library is crazy. Why does she want the 100 books back?
I suppose you're in the film festival now. Have fun!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Oh my god, I had forgotten all about the witch!! Mwahahahaahaaa :D :D :D

Lukas kirjoitti...

What would the world be without your blog? A desperate place! What would it be without your own comments? A planet where the Pioneers are the only band existing and you were damned to hear them 24 hours a day! You are challenging Eli for the crown of the queen of funny pictures! If I have a say in it, you already deserve it! Well no, your dislike of meat is minus point. Meat is wonderful! Tell your father if he wants a meat-loving son, he can adopt me! And you can tell him that I won't colour my hair and never borrow more books in the library than one. Do you have an extra room for them? If the woman in the library was Gandalf's wand, I would say to Gandalf "Balrogs you can defeat, Sauron you may destroy, but BEWARE OF HENRIIKKA!!!

Henriikka kirjoitti...

So, I got used to eating vegetarian food with you in Aberdeen, and one of things that has been hard at home has been the fact that we have meat everyday. You know, I showed my parents how to make your vegetarian sauce and they just thought "very good, but we should put meat in it next time"..pfff! Well, today I'm cooking only for me, so there won't be meat =)..(Kananliha is Chicken meat and it's correct, next time I will call you with skype, when he makes it.) Hahaa, a meat-loving son, Pontus is definitely meat-loving..I will ask if he wants a second one when he gets home. By the way my father is quite liberal, so I think he doesn't mind hair-colouring or borrowing many books. And about my library loans, there are mostly cds and everyone is angry at me because they are all over the house. Lukas, Right on! All librarians everywhere should be beware of me, when I want to borrow or renew something, you can be sure, that I will get my way!! (Shitty shite..I should be translating my uncle's EU papers, but I also would like to continue reading the Erasmus blogs)