perjantaina, syyskuuta 29, 2006

I'm just looking up and thinking "is it going to rain?" and sure enough it did, but I went to the Art gallery to wait that it stopped, so I didn't get so wet

I also went for a walk, I found 2 parks Westburn park and Victoria park, but they weren't as nice as Seaton park
The waves were really big that day and I was scarad standing so close to them

I love this bike! Last week I went to cycle along the beach.

perjantaina, syyskuuta 22, 2006

Fine tomorrow I'll go outside

Oh, now I want a webcamera!!

My high quality mic from Poundland=)

My first time in Sainsbury's, it's huge!

Driving in Tom's car to Sainsbury's which is approximately 5mins away from the house, but he likes the car so what can I do?

Won't you come on over, at the other side of my sofa

AAAHHhh!! I just realised
it's less than 50days to Barcelona!!

Tuesday I went to see a concert. I had decided that I won't go to any concerts, because I have no money, but this one was free, so perfect. The bands were good, so I had fun. The band in the picture is called 10 Easy wishes.

Anyone recognise this place? The registration was today. I met my advisor, he's really nice, he smiles a lot. I should just invent problems and go see him again. I'm quite happy today and happy with the courses I'm gonna take.

It was such a lovely day today here that I didn't feel like I was in Aberdeen. By the way that's the new house.

yeah, I got skype working and now these 2 crazy dudes now want to call me every day..mostly so that they can let me know what is happening in Big Brother, I don't really care, but oh well

maanantaina, syyskuuta 18, 2006

Long travel is behind me and I'm back here in Aberdeen. This time it's a new house and it's a bit cold, I'm lucky to have Carmina's old jacket(I can't believe she left it here, It's so nice) to keep me warm, but it's not enough I have to move a lot not to freeze. I think I will borrow Deb's heater for a little while.

Just before going, my cousins came to say goodbye, and Anja had drawn me a picture, so I need to go to put in my wall and take a photo of my new room, don't I?

There are just few pictures from the hill I sometimes go to run and walk

My last days at home..the autumn came and leaves were turning red and also falling to the ground.

sunnuntaina, syyskuuta 17, 2006

Then I discoved that some reindeers are friendlier than others, they were only looking for food and sometimes stopped to pose for me

Then they saw me and started following me, and for a moment there I thought they wanted to attack me..

Then one day coming home, I saw reindeers near my house, so I rushed home to get my camera

Also one past-time activity has been going out to throw Wilson around..I think American football isn't my sport, but everything with Ponte is fun

I'm a full-licenced driver now, and had a lot fun driving with Ponte this summer.

My city in the evening

It's freaking cold in Finland now(can't wait for the warm Aberdeen) but this is actually working out for me, I get to wear my favourite hat!!

What turned out to be the best mozzarella pizza ever (actually the only mozzarella pizza I had before this has been from the Lidl, so maybe it's not a suprise =D )

Me and Ponte were cooking..