perjantaina, syyskuuta 22, 2006

Fine tomorrow I'll go outside

Oh, now I want a webcamera!!

My high quality mic from Poundland=)

My first time in Sainsbury's, it's huge!

Driving in Tom's car to Sainsbury's which is approximately 5mins away from the house, but he likes the car so what can I do?

Won't you come on over, at the other side of my sofa

5 kommenttia:

LR kirjoitti...

I'm a webebrity!! (web-celebrity. eh?) Uuh yeah!!

It really is true, the Internet destroys people's privacy. I have been taken paparazzi-photos of thru the webcam, without me knowing! Aaagghhh!

PS. I keep cracking up at the thought of that legendary midnight moment here at your blog Henkka...haha! It was caffi! No one else will never know what was here...I know now people are getting jealous right and left, but too bad, Henkka's other so-called "friends", why be in travels round Spain, when you COULD be in Skype, Msn, trying to play online diamond-game, trying to play solitaire, on Myspace, AND webcam SIMULTANEOUSLY for hours and hours on end?!! It must be something only us Finns can understand. Hmph. We're just too good for you baby! ;D Now, Henkka is telling me about the stupidest and most useless blogs she can find. We could be copypasting links and just send them to each other, but I prefer this auditive experience: "This guy has only taken a pic of his hand, pah!". Hahaha. Oh dear. Soy muy loca 8)


Henriikka kirjoitti...

That's right for one second there was a photo explosing my inner most secrets, so tough luck if you missed it..I never forget the diamond-game downloading, it's one of my warmest memories -"I don't have x component", "I send you the invite for diamond game already" "-really? I still have solitary downloading here" =) Yes, we are breaking the record of the longest skype call/msn conversation!! And it was a long time when we had a topic to talk about..hehe

Eli "Hey PEOPLE!!!" kirjoitti...

Your blooooog is sooo difficult!

My henriikkita! it took me like months to discover how to post a comment here!

and just now, I decided "ok, i will find the way" and i saw this little sentence top left saying what i should do if i want to post a comment!

the poster you did thinking of barcelona is so cute! i saw pics in aberdeen already, in your new flat, and all the memoryes came again to visit me...

aberdeen and all of's like a dream...and i can't believe you are coming to barcelona so sooooon! i need to think and prepare everything!

well well...I just was thinking about you...when we were talking everyday in the kitchen, and you asked my with a "que asco face" "why are you so happy dancing everyday? im not happy, i'm always depressed!" it was so sorry, you are crazy, i like you!

see u soon!

Henriikka kirjoitti...

I'm happy that you managed to leave me comment..well you see it was not so diffucult. Oh really I was depressed? I can't remember that, ok now I'm happy and dancing all the time, so living with you was good for me!! Yep, I see you in 6 and half weeks =) =) =)

Eli "Hey PEOPLE!!!" kirjoitti...


I'm just writing to promise you the best chocolate with churros in barcelona ok? you will die of pleasure!
