keskiviikkona, lokakuuta 11, 2006

Saturday was studying happening what so ever, instead I made that wall =) Me (Henkka)-owner of the coolest room since 1985(or 2000 if you want to be precise, but I don't so 1985 it is)

Am I gossiping online again..hmm that really isn't suprising at all

Why do you have so many photos Kim Jong il you ask? Well first of all, why not? He's a hottie! So it was my first time of taking photocopies and at first the machine was copying wrong parts of the I got really angry until I remembered that there is a really nice Italian song about a photocopy machine and I decided to be friends with the copy machine and then I managed to print a copy of the article. Don't you just love happy endings =)

Pink lamp decoration, you can never have too many pink things

Pink nailpolish

Next morning I received more presents..That was probably the best morning ever! I got the best cd in the world!! I was just screaming and jumping around the house..I will never discover any new genres of music, because I will never stop listening to it! has to be my favourite part of the day..The triple chocolate cake. muy bien! There's still some left in the fridge =)

Still happy about the pink flowers..

Laura sent me a supercool birthday card(again!) and a present, and in addition to this photo, there are more cool things, they are pink, which makes them cool..pretty logical, all those hours of studying philosophy are finally paying off

Deb gave me a book, Things you should know. She says it has good advice about cleaning my she trying to hint something?

I don't want to leave my room, the flowers are so nice..I just want to look at them all day..shhh, listen what the flower people say

Birthday pictures..Tom gave me pink Fair Trade flowers, he has lived with me only for 3 weeks and knew exactly what to get me =) ..that's unbelievable!

We all came out of the cinema wanting to look more stylish, that's all I'm going to say

Deb was not wearing Prada, but something even more suprising..Flipflops! I don't think this is the same Malaysian girl who came to Scotland in February, it can't be

Waiting for the bus, I'm hiding my back pain really well, aren't I?

We went to see Devil wears Prada, not the best film in the world and not the worst one either, so in the middle somewhere

Rushing to the cinema(rushing part explains the out of focusness of the photo)

That a describtions kick ass!

My shoppings..hmm I see a lot of biscuits

My back is still killing me from carrying that box(perkeleen laatikko!), I learned that not all pinks things are nice

I went to the Lidl through the Seaton Park

I love living with Deb! She's speaking with old British accent all the time "My Darling.." and also she says "Piss Off" a lot..hmm singing Take That when washing the dishes and oh just everything about her is great, She's so cool!

People keep asking me why I'm online all the time,well me and Laura like to gossip, ok

Random photo of Aberdeen

A garden just ain't a garden if it doesn't have old matresses lying around (old Chinese proverb)

Sarah and Claire who live upstairs, I told you before they live upstairs, but in this photo they actually are UPSTAIRS, how amazing!

Hihii..Deb's wearing pink. I love this because she says I wear too much pink, so this picture is saying everything I want to say...Oh there's tea also, Tom makes the best tea, if you ask me =)

OOOOHHHHhhh!! I'm 21, so exciting! Happy Birthday to me!! I hope somebody remembered to send me a cake!! It's not morning, so the mail has not been delivered yet. And this fine piece of art was made by Lukas (who else?)

keskiviikkona, lokakuuta 04, 2006

Ok, so truth is my room is still a bit messy so you still have to wait a while for the finished look..but I went shopping with Deb yesterday and aren't these the coolest stockings in the whole world!

I don't know if it was Alena or Sarah but someone had left a Miami Vice poster in my room and I can't have after guys I barely know me had seen my room, it was a high time to put my posters up..

Caffy! Deb brought me a scarf from Malaysia

OOHhh Deb came back!! It's great to have her back, we went to pick her up from the train station with Claire and Tom! Flick came around and we talked about what we were going to wear in Deb's wedding, I can't believe she's engaged!! We also watching a tv programme too horrible to mention here.

Here are photos, from the notorious night out on Saturday..I can laugh about it now, but at the time it was.. So I'm in here with Sarah and Tom..then there are all the boys

Welcome to my blog of parks, so this is the Union terrace park in the city centre. It's a wonderful place to come if you want to escape the city noises and crowds..hmm wait a minute you still hear the cars there, so only the crowds then.