lauantaina, joulukuuta 23, 2006




My cousins are so much fun..yesterday I spent the whole day with them watching Rudophf the rednosed reindeer film and what else, well of course writing letters to Santa. She was so worried Santa won't have time to read the letter because there's only 3 days to christmas left =)

This is again from last christmas, but things look exactly the same here today so it could be from this christmas too..

5 kommenttia:

Lukas kirjoitti...

Oh, I am so happy you posted that picture - now I know how Father Christmas really looks like: it's a Mother Christmas and she is charmingly sweet!

I envy you for the snow and the cousins. I don't have snow and I don't have nice cousins, but rebellious, teenage Eminem fans who wear their XXL trousers so you can see their whole underwear. Can we exchange Christmas next year? You come to Switzerland and I to Finland?

Lukas kirjoitti...

Oh, I am so happy you posted that picture - now I know how Father Christmas really looks like: it's a Mother Christmas and she is charmingly sweet!

I envy you for the snow and the cousins. I don't have snow and I don't have nice cousins, but rebellious, teenage Eminem fans who wear their XXL trousers so you can see their whole underwear. Can we exchange Christmas next year? You come to Switzerland and I to Finland?

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Happy 2007, Henriikka!! My best wishes for the new year. You know, Erasmus' year is over, but we won't make pikkukala faces because this will be the year when we went to Finland!
Lots of kisses,
P.S. Where are you? :p

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Henriikka, darling, how are you? Mum and dad are worried about you. ¬¬
No, but really, are you still ill? I hope that's not the reason why we didn't talk for three days! But if it is, I hope you get better soon so we can talk tonight...

moi.elise kirjoitti...

Henriikka, kaipaan sinua! I've been watching Lukas' present today (I received it this week) and now I miss all the Erasmus again so much... but especially you. My family watched it with me and were laughing a lot when they saw you covering with the sandwich, jiji.
Hope you're doing well back in Aberdeen and I wish you a clean flatmate...
Lots of kisses, Elisa