maanantaina, helmikuuta 19, 2007

This is me, Lisa and Sarah upstairs on friday evening, because Tom had a party downstairs(the house is ok now, but the carpet is a bit ruined, so the landlady will probably tell Tom off) anyways..we had some wine and pizza..since Friday is the official Pizza Day(the best day of the week..aww, that song makes me want to get pizza every friday now)

Deb looks good in her expensive coat, no?
By the way, why are we always taking photos at the chip shop?

We went to the Bassment and they played rock music all evening. For dinner I had something called "the best chicken sandwich in the world" but I don't know if it actually was the best and I haven't had so many chicken sandwiches before that I could compare..hmm.

Today was Sarah's 24th birthday and we all went out to eat. Everyone seems to be turning 24 now, and I can't imagine what it's going to be like..because I have no idea where I'm going to be in 3 years, I guess I will have finished uni (hopefully) by that time, so I think I'm going be in a weird exotic country exciting.

One night we had the fire burning in Deb's fireplace. We drank hot drinks and the hours passed by while we were was so lovely and warm. When we turned off the lights Deb thought the fire was too romantic to be wasted on 3 females and yelled out "somebody quickly turn into a man" of course no of us did.

sunnuntaina, helmikuuta 11, 2007

The university looks good covered with snow..oh I wish it would snow again, instead of raining, but this is the reason why I'm uploading my blog so often..because the weather is horrible, but also I love making my blog. Unfortunately I don't have any more photos to continue..hmm
This man is still lying outside of New King's, even in February..está loco, no?

She was's been snowing once in a while in Aberdeen, but only a little and the snow never stays for more than one day..I've heard it's sometimes 40 degrees colder at home than here, so I can't understand what is all the fuzz about. It's not cold if you wear enough clothes, but I'm sure you can remember the Scottich wearing just their t-shirts to go out.

A few mornings ago Deb ran into my room and woke me up "Henrii, wake up, it's snowing"..see how excited she is..
It was so much fun..these boys in the back remembered us from previous time we went out and the boy with the black hat was so funny and had the weirdest dance moves. I always have the best time dancing in's hard to believe, because a year ago you could not get me to dance with any sum of money, so I'm happy that I discovered that how fun it is.

At the chip shop..Sarah thought we should wear our new t-shirts to exodus and "look like 2 idiots" and I'm always up for that...I think we've established that with the previous post.

The Upstarts were playing at Drummonds..who else you think I would go to see?! It was quite a turn-out and I think they are getting better and better each time I see them.
I love going out with Sarah, we always meet a lot of interesting people and she is a fun person by herself too, always up for new stuff and going out.
Me and Sarah went to Drummonds on Thursday..but if I had known that I look so insane as in this photo, I might have thought twice about going out.

To be fair since I told you what Deb reads, I have to reveal something embarrasing about me: the way I look when I rock out with my Winnie the Puh guitar.. the guitar is wee, but it's still pretty kick ass.

Ah, it's Deb's chicken curry. She let me try a bit and mmm, it was delicious and she said she'll teach me to make it.

Cheers for the towel Deb! But what has so strong smell that I can't breathe?

Scandalous! Deb is photographed with OK!-magazine..well Angelina Jolie had bought a new house, so she had to buy it of course. I have to admit that sometimes I enjoy a bit of OK! myself. After reading we watched the OC, you know Ryan and Taylor may become a couple soon, how shocking is that!!This has been the nicest day, well they are all so nice that I can't really say that but what I mean, it's been so easy and relaxed that I really enjoyed it. I pratically slept the whole day and then listened to music.. also Elisa had finished exams, so I could finally talk to her and she helped me translate E.T.T.(a spanish ska song..muy fun!)

keskiviikkona, helmikuuta 07, 2007

Oh man , I have a 9am lecture and it took me five hours to create this new look..I have have still 5 hours of sleep if I close the computer right now!

Finally Exodus, I could show you more photos from there but then I would have to kill you(and I really don't want to do that)..let's just say that the photo of me and the Ipod boy is better for only a few to see, as suppose to a million (I'm so delusional thinking that a million people would see this blog)

A bit in Slain's castle..since we figured it was the most Halloween place to be.

We went into the Blue lamp's halloween party, which was too crowded so we changed the venues..

The three witches waiting for a taxi..You see, we are modern day witches, flying with brooms is so last century.

Deb was looking very scary, but then again when is she not?

phase 3: take stupid pictures, while the others are getting ready

phase 2: put on your witch make up

phase 1: try on your outfit

maanantaina, helmikuuta 05, 2007

But I went for the caffy green one..I felt like the coolest person during the whole evening!

and it suited them well

Sarah and Deb got the same black hair

The fine decoratives made by the lovely people of Lidl

Right, now the wait is over..Halloween pictures are here!!

The fancy dress shop was really busy on that day..(by the way I strongly advice Lukas not to look at the photos I will upload here next time, I have a feeling he doesn't like my costume ;o)

This is what happens when Deb is let out of the house..scary stuff. We were going to get halloween costumes.

Let's go 3 and half months back in time..To a magical october evening in the flat.