sunnuntaina, helmikuuta 11, 2007

It was so much fun..these boys in the back remembered us from previous time we went out and the boy with the black hat was so funny and had the weirdest dance moves. I always have the best time dancing in's hard to believe, because a year ago you could not get me to dance with any sum of money, so I'm happy that I discovered that how fun it is.

At the chip shop..Sarah thought we should wear our new t-shirts to exodus and "look like 2 idiots" and I'm always up for that...I think we've established that with the previous post.

The Upstarts were playing at Drummonds..who else you think I would go to see?! It was quite a turn-out and I think they are getting better and better each time I see them.
I love going out with Sarah, we always meet a lot of interesting people and she is a fun person by herself too, always up for new stuff and going out.
Me and Sarah went to Drummonds on Thursday..but if I had known that I look so insane as in this photo, I might have thought twice about going out.

To be fair since I told you what Deb reads, I have to reveal something embarrasing about me: the way I look when I rock out with my Winnie the Puh guitar.. the guitar is wee, but it's still pretty kick ass.

Ah, it's Deb's chicken curry. She let me try a bit and mmm, it was delicious and she said she'll teach me to make it.

Cheers for the towel Deb! But what has so strong smell that I can't breathe?

Scandalous! Deb is photographed with OK!-magazine..well Angelina Jolie had bought a new house, so she had to buy it of course. I have to admit that sometimes I enjoy a bit of OK! myself. After reading we watched the OC, you know Ryan and Taylor may become a couple soon, how shocking is that!!This has been the nicest day, well they are all so nice that I can't really say that but what I mean, it's been so easy and relaxed that I really enjoyed it. I pratically slept the whole day and then listened to music.. also Elisa had finished exams, so I could finally talk to her and she helped me translate E.T.T.(a spanish ska song..muy fun!)

1 kommentti:

Lukas kirjoitti...

Hi Henriikka,
oh, I haven't seen this post before and because I check every day if you have posted something new, I finally found it and like it. I am very happy you are practising so intensly on the guitar I gave you. And I really like your yellow striped t-shirt in the last picture! It suits you very well and you look quite gorgeous! Oh, please tell Sarah I miss her now you remind me how much fun and what a thoroughly adorable and pretty girl she is!