lauantaina, kesäkuuta 23, 2007

Juhannus 2007
The longest day of the year is a big summer holiday and celebrated everywhere in Finland. It's called Juhannus. It's similar holiday as what Eli wrote about San Joan..It's not a religious celebration but the name comes from John the Baptist, in Finnish he is called Johannes.
Normally people go to their summer cabins, as I couldn't I had to spend it in the city and this is what we did:
I'm admiring the midnight sun.
We had the perfect weather for Juhannus.
Laura, don't hurt the flower!
I'm taking a closer look at the flowers and seeing if the flowers are alright.
Who ever said 22 year olds are too old to play in swings?
..As you can see...
..We still love to swing..
..And we can say it loud and proud!
This looks like a sunset, but no worries the sun didn't set.

We arrived to the beach and the atmosphere was of course excellent.
At midnight everyone comes to look the bonfire.
Our beach has more pinetrees than most places.
Laura was starting her birthday celebration dance already even if the actual party was on the next day. Well sometimes you can't help the boogie..I had to let her groove.
So the next day Laura was celebrating her 22nd birthday! I had dressed for the occation, we had an Almost Famous theme party!!
This is the birthday card I painted her.
Oh, what a useful gift I had found her, a tray..she found use for it immediately =)
By the way, Laura, I'm waiting for your comments, if you liked the novel I got you at all.
It was the such a cool party I left on the next morning..luckily I didn't wake up under a boat, like you did =P
This has been the most chilled out time I've written my blog, because I listened to radio helsinki and they played dub music for two hours, now I had to stop though because it's changing to a rap music show..crap!

3 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Mmitäh, just as I had learned to read your blog from upside down you make all the pictures go in the right order! Too bad.

Ha, we lookey likey monkeys, and the best thing is that not only am I swinging in the swings I'm only grooving and boogieing. Boogying? Boeing? Okay I didn't go to Aberdeen so I don't know, dudes.

The second best thing is that you are also with your mouth open in one pic so it's just not me who looks crazy all the time.

Hmm what else I forget...oh yes the book, it's the best book ever! How come I didn't tell you? I read it in a day or so and it was so good (I also know someone who should read it :P ). The only thing that didn't match up was the end(ing) and the introductory text let me expect something else, but oh, I just want to read Comment je suis devenu stupide again now. I was just writing about it to a friend in Germany so I remember the original title almost by heart! *proud*

Btw I went to take some nice pics today so I just might start a blog too...maybe on my myspace or I dunno; I just really really don't feel like creating another account :P

From those who shall be banned in Poland (only like ten years after this conversation was had everywhere else)

Lukas kirjoitti...

I should comment on your bog more often because it's still the best blog I know so far. It's always the same - I see a new post and want to come to Finland. Only this time, I'm closer than ever and still can't believe that I'll be there in only two weeks. It seems so far away in time and space, but I know it's gonna become true, so I'm really happy. See you soon and tell the sun to stay for us, please!
Kisses, Lukas

Anonyymi kirjoitti...