tiistaina, heinäkuuta 18, 2006

I think seeing raised fist was the high point..we were in the front but the crowd was so crazy that we ended up in the middle, still we got to be apart of the pit, I've got the bruises to prove it, first I thought I will die and get smashed in the crowd but now I can't wait to go again, unfortunately there's no punk gigs coming up now ..

That's a finnish ska band and I think that was the best crowd(after raised fist crowd) because everyone was dancing and having a good time there

Laura and me are next to Rentolava..it was more relaxed area there by the beach, mostly ska and reggae bands. 99% of the people there had rasta style there so we felt a bit out of place but it didn't bother us much..

So we made it to the festival area, and I'm completely sleepy and it was too sunny again..behind me it's the smallest stage of the 5 stages

Hey ho here we go now..here we are in the train going to the best music festival in Finland, we had such a great time, not in the train I mean, the 15 hours in the train sucked!! Except when we were using my juice bottle as a microphone and interviewing each other with silly voices...meijun tuulehduksia ja kuulahduksia..silly us

When I'm not at the rock festivals I'm watching the simpsons and there's pontus playing at the drive-in song "beware"

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