maanantaina, syyskuuta 18, 2006

Long travel is behind me and I'm back here in Aberdeen. This time it's a new house and it's a bit cold, I'm lucky to have Carmina's old jacket(I can't believe she left it here, It's so nice) to keep me warm, but it's not enough I have to move a lot not to freeze. I think I will borrow Deb's heater for a little while.

Just before going, my cousins came to say goodbye, and Anja had drawn me a picture, so I need to go to put in my wall and take a photo of my new room, don't I?

There are just few pictures from the hill I sometimes go to run and walk

My last days at home..the autumn came and leaves were turning red and also falling to the ground.

2 kommenttia:

LR kirjoitti...

Yaaaay!! Hieno uusi koti ja hieno villatakki 8) Eip muuta. Onko tuo sinun huone ja onko siinä ehkä takka, vai mikä se musta juttu vasemmalla on?

Henriikka kirjoitti...

no ei ole, kun debran huone, minun huone on aika tyhjä. Harrastan vieläkin matkalaukun ylihyppyä kun en jaksa purkaa sitä, mutta heti kun se on kunnossa laitan kuvan siitä, jepjep