sunnuntaina, helmikuuta 11, 2007

The university looks good covered with snow..oh I wish it would snow again, instead of raining, but this is the reason why I'm uploading my blog so often..because the weather is horrible, but also I love making my blog. Unfortunately I don't have any more photos to continue..hmm
This man is still lying outside of New King's, even in February..está loco, no?

She was's been snowing once in a while in Aberdeen, but only a little and the snow never stays for more than one day..I've heard it's sometimes 40 degrees colder at home than here, so I can't understand what is all the fuzz about. It's not cold if you wear enough clothes, but I'm sure you can remember the Scottich wearing just their t-shirts to go out.

A few mornings ago Deb ran into my room and woke me up "Henrii, wake up, it's snowing"..see how excited she is..

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Ah, poifect, "löysin" kommenttiruudun, jaujau! 8) Minusta tämä on täydellinen blogi, kaikki on vain hyvää ja olet jo päivittänyt tätä sensaatiomaisen usein, jättehienoa on se. Tekstit on hauskoja, kuvat on onnistuneita ja tämä ulkoasu, jep, me gusta mucho, hehe ;) Nyt minä jatkaa med ruotsintehtävä.

Lukas kirjoitti...

Okay, I perfectly agree with what Laura said. I can't find better words to express my feelings, so just read her's again, okay?