torstaina, toukokuuta 24, 2007

This sunday there is going to be the best concert ever held in the entire world, and I'm going with Sarah, I'm too excited to even think about it!

I already had to say goodbye to Debs, because she has no exams now and she went home already..but before she went she packed my suitcase, how nice was that!

We were waiting for the eurovision for a long time, me especially because they were broadcasted from Finland..also my finnish friend Tiina came around to watch the show

The Monopoly night..after 4 hours Lisa managed to monopolize us, but before I was backrupt I owned Piccadelly and Park lane.

The Dutch were selling these mini pancakes/crepes..the were delish!!

In May the international market was in town, also the weather has still been great as you can see, no clowds!!

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