sunnuntaina, kesäkuuta 17, 2007

It was a great night and after 3 o'clock when the after party ended we still had a weird adventure in Leeds, because we had no where to stay. Thankfully we met some nice boys, and ended up stealing one mans pizza and Sarah also stole his bed and his t-shirt. In the morning we both felt horrible because we hadn't slept for 2 days, but after sleeping in the train we felt much better when we arrived in Edinburgh, but we still looked like we returned from a festival =)
Little Johnny Christmas stayed until the end, and I guess after meeting him, he has to be my favourite member =)
The one with the hat is Scott, who is favourite member, but he didn't stay so long in the party
Well we had to go to afterparty, because we had no where to sleep, so we thought we'll stay in the party until 3. In the party we met a boy, who knew Reel Big Fish, and he promised to introduce them to us, if they come down. I thought probably they won't come, but they did and suddenly we were taking photos with them =)
And finally came the moment I had been waiting for: Reel Big Fish!!
Then we started to take lots of photos and thought that we always look the same in all of the photos, so we pretended that we saw something interesting, but maybe I overdid it a wee bit.
Sarah enjoying the atmostphere between bands.
Even if we had to take another train we still made it Leeds, so that we had time to eat dinner, before going to the university where the festival was. We came just 10min before Mad Caddies started and they played the best show I could have imagined, which means all my favourite songs and I was already dead after their show, but evening was just starting.
Our place ended up to be quite nice, because this lovely boy called Archie played with us all the way to Leeds.
Our original train got cancelled thankfully, because I had left my train ticket at home, so because the train was so full they didn't check the tickets and so I got lucky that I didn't have to buy a 70 pound ticket. Well we ended up sitting on the ground for 3 hours from Edinburgh to Leeds, but that really is the only way to travel to a music festival.
We had second breakfast when we arrived in Edinburgh. In this nice cafe by the Royal Mile they have absolutely the best chocolate cake in the world.
This is 6am, insane time to be awake, I'm only awake then when I'm taking the megabus to Edinburgh.
Sarah is practising "smoke on the water" the night before we left. Of course we went to sleep 4.30am when we had to leave an hour later for our trip =s

1 kommentti:

Lukas kirjoitti...

wow, I can't believe you met Real Big fish and took pictures with them. You really are becoming a Penny Lane, which is both nice and scary. Well, I am very happy for you, it must have been a great weekend for you!

However, I would also like to see some pics from your travel home and from Finland. You need to make me curious and show me nice pics, otherwise I might decide to stay in Sweden ...

Lots of besitos,
