maanantaina, syyskuuta 24, 2007

-Our house in the middle of the street-
I would rather not go
back to the old house
Back to the Old House by the Smiths
(the Smiths have been in my record player too often)

I have a new home and I really prefer it to our old house. Of course the first days I didn't feel it was my home, but then I got used it really quickly. We are living on the top flour appartment. I think it's really nice place to live and it's just 5 minutes from my university and it has one of the best views over the pond.

Usually I just walk around the pond when I go for walk.

We spend a lot of evenings in the balcony, looking at sunsets..when all the sky and water is's so pretty.
Our family seems a lot smaller since Pontte started in the army in July.I seem him only during weekends, but then he is so tired that he just sleeps and in the evenings goes to party. He has finished the basic training and is now trainging for a officer(or something like that) and after christmas he will commanding and training others

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